IE +353 21 245 5670 US +1 401 6484 852

Our Technology

The seafood industry has traditionally been a complex supply chain when compared to other industries. The experience and expertise in delivering the platform to the Irish seafood industry has applicability to other supply chains.

The Verifish Software Platform is hosted on Microsoft and IBM platforms while our blockchain solution uses Hyperledger Fabric. These services provide a fast and secure network for our, web, storage and database needs.

Blockchain technology is simply defined as a decentralized, distributed ledger. The Hyperledger Blockchain implementation used by Verifish, operates as a private ledger, which can only be accessed when the correct cryptographic credentials are used. It is a secure and tamper-proof solution, ideal for ensuring the provenance of any product.

Verifish works closely alongside the state body , Bord Iascaigh Mhara ( BIM ) to develop software projects to increase traceability and sustainability in the Irish seafood sector . Supporting the wild capture, aquaculture and shellfish sectors to create a heathy vibrant seafood industry.


Providence House,
Unit H1,
South Link Business Park,
T12CK77, Ireland

10, Dorrance Street,
Suite 700,
Providence, Rhode Island,
02903, USA

IE: +353 21 245 5670
US: +1 401 6484 852

IE Mobile: +353 87 2591376


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A report on FIP’s performance globally

A recent report on the performance of FIP's globally has some interesting results for our FIPs A recent report on the performance of FIPs globally has some interesting results for our FIPs (


European Space Agency (ESA) and AquaEye: Marine Applications Ltd has just completed our latest project with ESA AquaEye. The project involves the installation of sensors on participating certified aquaculture production units which transmit data in relation to water quality through satellite and GPRS technology to a cloud-based software platform Users are then able to access the appropriate data based through a user friendly GUI.